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Please note that we now have a new class structure in place for Kids and Juniors.

It has been a concern to us for some time that there is a gap in our ability to cater for kids that are getting too old to train alongside young kids, but are not yet ready for the Adult classes. To remedy this the following changes are now in effect:

Kids Classes for 5 to 10 year olds, will run from 4.00 – 4.45 pm on Mon & Weds.

Junior Classes for 10 to 15 year olds, will run from 5.00 – 5.45 pm on Mon & Weds.

Adult Classes will continue as normal from 6 pm on Mon and Weds.

All costs and fees will remain the same.

If your child would prefer to stay longer in the first class, that’s fine. They are eligible to go into the older class as soon as they turn 10, but don’t have to until they are ready. There will be fewer breaks in the new classes, so we will endeavour to get the same amount of instruction into the 45 minute time frame. We think this will be of benefit to everyone and ensure that everyone gets as much from classes as possible.
