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Please read carefully, as there are some changes to Adult Kung Fu classes and fees detailed here. There are no changes currently to Kids or Juniors Classes or Tai Chi/Qi Gong Classes.

All these changes are effective from June 1st 2014. However, there will be no class on Friday 30th May – please see below for changes to the Friday San Da class.

Friday Fighting class now monthly.

Sadly, the attendance at the Friday night San Da class has been poor. For more than a month now we’ve had no one show for the class. This is obviously a bad timeslot for people. However, rather than drop it completely, we’re going to try a new approach. The Friday sparring class will now occur on the first Friday of every month, starting on Friday June 6th, from 6.00 to 8.00pm. So a two-hour class, but only once a month. Hopefully people keen to come along can diarise the first Friday of the month and make it along.

Friday Fighting class for the rest of this year will be:

6th June, 4th July, 1st August, 5th September, 3rd October, 7th November, 5th December

Class fee changes

General classes (Monday and Wednesday from 6-8pm, and the monthly Friday class as detailed above) will now operate with a 10-class-pass system. The pass will be $125 (conc $100) and must be used within 3 months from the date of purchase. After ten classes or three months (whichever comes first) you need to purchase a new pass.

If you can only come once a week, there are at least 12 classes available in the 3 month period. If you missed two, you would still get ten classes for $12.50 each (instead of the current $15). If you missed four, you would still only be paying the equivalent of the current $15 per class. So this is a cheaper option than the current casual payment method. If finding a lump sum to pay in advance is an issue for you, please ask and we can organise something to spread the cost out a little bit.

Casual classes will still be available, should you wish to continue paying that way. But the price will be $17.50 (or $15 with a concession card). We haven’t raised prices since we’ve been teaching in Kiama, so we’re trying to make it as painless as possible. You’re more than welcome to continue to attend casually, but the ten class pass is actually a reduction in costs to you overall. Paying in advance helps our bottom line, however, and helps the school to keep running. We’ve also introduced the concession fee for the first time in an effort to help out students and other concession holders.

If you have any questions or concerns about fees, please talk to us. We want everyone to feel comfortable with costs.
