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Happy new year! I hope your Christmas and New Year period was happy and fun. We’re gearing up for all classes to start again very soon, so here’s a reminder about start dates. A bit further down are details of a small, unavoidable price change.

Firstly, here are the 2016 start dates:

ADULT Kung Fu Classes will start again on Monday January 18th 2016.

QI GONG/TAI CHI Classes will start again on Monday January 18th 2016.

KIDS & JUNIORS Classes will start again on Monday February 1st 2016.


There are a couple of small fee changes, detailed below.

Annual membership fees are due again now. These remain at $75 per person (there’s a family discount, with the second family member paying $65, then each subsequent family member pays $55 per year). Please try to pay your memberships before the end of February at the very latest. Give me a shout if there are any problems there.

There will be a small price change to Kids and Juniors classes. The casual rate is going up from $10 per person per class to $12 per person per class. But we are introducing a 10-Class-Pass. This will cost $100 and last for two terms, or until the 10 classes are used up.

Adult Kung Fu classes will remain at $20 casual ($15 concession), and the Adult 10-Class-Pass will be $150 and last three calendar months from date of issue.

Qi Gong/Tai Chi classes remain at $15 per class ($12 concession). You can use the same 10-Class-Pass for both Kung Fu and Qi Gong if you wish.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is fast approaching and there will be no classes on Monday February 8th, which is Chinese New Year’s Day. We will be doing a local Lion Dance in Shellharbour that evening and if you’re available to come and help out, please let me know. No experience necessary!

Word of mouth!

Please be sure to tell your friends and colleagues about our classes and encourage your kids to tell their classmates. Word of mouth is the best advertising our Academy can get and we greatly appreciate your help in the spreading the word.

Thanks to everyone for coming along and training hard to continue the legacy of Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu and Lohan Qi Gong. It’s an honour and a pleasure to teach you all and I’m looking forward to an excellent 2016. See you all on the 18th (Kids and Juniors on Feb 1st!)

As ever, any questions, please call Sifu Alan on or email [email protected]
