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This post is to let you know about classes for the first half of 2018. There are a couple of cancellations beyond our control, for which we apologise. We try to keep classes as regular as possible. So here are the dates for all classes for this term:


All classes will continue as normal throughout Term 1, but we will take a break during the school holidays. So the last class for term 1 will be Wednesday 11th April. Then we’ll start back as normal on Monday 30th April.


All classes will continue as normal throughout Term 1, and we will take the usual break during the school holidays. So the last class for term 1 will be Monday 9th April. Then we’ll start back as normal on Monday 30th April. Please remember that juniors classes for everyone between the age of 5 and 12 are only on Mondays now, from 4 to 5pm.


All classes will continue as normal throughout Term 1, and we will take a break during the school holidays. So the last class for term 1 will be Friday 13th April. Then we’ll start back as normal on Monday 30th April. HOWEVER, there will be no class on Thursday 1st and Thursday 8th of March. All other classes will remain as normal.