Chen Heurng Memorial Celebrations & International Chen Family New Leopards and Silver Dragon Disciple “Bai See” ceremony together with the Chen Family Choy Lee Fut & Lohan Qigong seminar by Master Chen Yong Fa.
Venue: Choy Lee Fut Ancestral hall, Kin Mui village & Xin Hui Ancestral school, China, Date: 18th to 25th August 2018
為進⼀步發展。學習掌握更多本嫡系知識。使總會組織更加強⼤ 2018年活動計劃。歡迎本會HSG。WST 。 Masters 註冊會員及帶家屬參加歡樂活動。
Over the last 30 years, the establishment and development of the Chen family international association has followed the wishes and built upon the vision of my ancestors including our founder, my great, great Grandfather. We all must continue to follow and respect each other, strive to absorb the ancient knowledge and understanding of the ancients and respected elders including my ancestors and subsequently pass on to all generations the teachings of:
Respect for one’s teacher and the teachings itself, honor your responsibility to future generations
Strictly observe the rules and regulations set by the past generations of the association
Honor and practice the traditional martial conventions (Wu Duc) of: Loyalty, Ethical, Respect, Humbleness, Trustworthy, Perseverance, Patience, Conscientious, Consistent in practice and Determination
For your continued development and to enhance and increase your knowledge for the empowerment of the general organization I have planned the 2018 activity plan and I welcome to this event all our HSG, WST, Masters and all registered members and their families to participate in the exultant activities.
Chen Yong Fa
International Chen Family Choy Lee Fut Wing Sing Tong Association