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Australian National Seminar – July 20th and 21st, 2019

Weapons and Lohan Qi Gong training for both Instructors and general students.

Cost $250 Adults / $150 Juniors (aged 10-16)

The seminar will include instruction from Fire Dragon Disciples Sifu Alan Baxter, Sifu James Lui, and Sifu Craig Davenport.

The seminar will run from 8am to 10am on both days FOR WST ONLY, then from 10am to 5.30pm on both days for all students (NB: you must be a paid up member of a Chan Family Choy Lee Fut school to attend). Minimum age 10 years old.

LOCATION: Illawarra Kung Fu Academy, 46 Collins Street, Kiama, NSW

FULL DETAILS AND A FORM TO SIGN UP AND PAY IS HERE: http://www.illawarrakungfu.com.au/payments/july-seminar/

Contact for enquiries: Sifu Alan Baxter on

The course will include Lin Warn Seun Dao (double broadsword form) for WST only, Gum Gong Pang (Buddha Warrior Attendants’ Cudgel form) for all students, and an introduction to the anatomical principles of qigong for all students.

The seminar will also include a special lion dance in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Illawarra Kung Fu Academy school.

SIGN UP AND PAY HERE: http://www.illawarrakungfu.com.au/payments/july-seminar/