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Qi Gong/Tai Chi classes cancelled on 31/10 and 3/11

Apologies for the late notice, but the floor in the centre is finally being fixed! So I’m afraid there will be no qi gong/tai chi classes on Monday 31st October and Thursday 3rd November. ALL other classes remain unaffected and will proceed as normal. Please...

Term 4 class dates and end of year – UPDATED

Please note, this is an updated post from the previous one. Please check your classes. Partly due to extended commitments on our part (including Sifu Alan’s other life as an author and a book tour in November), we will be skipping our End of Year party this year,...

Term 4 Class dates and End of Year

Partly due to extended commitments on our part (including Sifu Alan’s other life as an author and a book tour in November), we will be skipping our own End of Year party this year, and Term 4 will be ending one week early. Then we have to take our usual long...

Kung Fu and Qi Gong holiday dates

Kung Fu and Qi Gong holiday dates Please note the following relevant dates: The Fighting Fan seminar is this coming weekend, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th June. There are one or two places left as a couple of people had to drop out, so if you want in at the last...

The Choy Lee Fut Steel Fan

As we have a seminar coming up in June for the fighting fan, specifically the two-person Sui Sau Sin, or Hand Breaking Fan, I thought I’d write a few quick words about the fan as a weapon. Firstly, and most importantly, the fan is not to be under-estimated as a...