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Change to Kung Fu start date for 2013

Please note CHANGE TO CLASS START DATE: Due to a problem with the training venue, Kung Fu classes will NOT resume on the 14th January as previously stated, but on Monday 21st January. Also, the Friday Fighting Fit class will not return on the 18th, but on Friday 25th....

End of year party and Class finish/start dates

We’re having an end of year celebration this Saturday, December 8th from 12 noon until 3pm at the Masonic Hall on Collins Street (where Kung Fu classes are held). It’s a very casual affair, just an excuse to get people from all the various classes (adults, kids,...

End of year/Christmas get together

The Illawarra Kung Fu Academy is having a Christmas Celebration Saturday, December 8th, from noon till 3pm. All are welcome – kids, juniors, adults, Kung Fu and Tai Chi students and their families and partners. The party will be at the Kiama Masonic Hall, 46...

Kung Fu Pole seminar on Sunday, December 2nd

The primary weapon within the Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu system is the long pole. This seemingly simple weapon lays the foundation for all future weapons training and highlights any weaknesses in a student’s stance and general technique. The long pole, or gwan, can be...