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July Seminar – 8th and 9th July

Kiama Seminar – Double Daggers & Kam Na Dates: Saturday July 8th – Sunday July 9th Time: Sat 9am-5pm (with lunch break) Sun 8am-1pm (with party afterwards) Location: Kiama Masonic Hall, 46 Collins Street Price: $180 (includes daggers) Curriculum: Seung Bei...

Term 2 and 3 class dates

Here are the following start and finish dates for Term 2 2017: Kids/Juniors Classes: Term 2 ends Wednesday 28th June Term 3 starts Wednesday 19th July Adults Kung Fu: Term 2 ends Wednesday 28th June Term 3 starts Wednesday 19th July Qi Gong/Tai Chi: This term is a...

March Newsletter content

Here’s the content of the latest newsletter that just went out: Hi there There’s some important dates and fee information in this newsletter, so please read through. Also, details about this year’s winter seminar. Firstly, the term 1 and 2 start and...

Summer Break and extra Kung Fu classes

This week, commencing Monday 5th December, is the last week of classes for kung fu and qi gong for 2016. Classes restart on the following dates: Kids/Juniors Classes: Term 1 2017 starts Monday 6th February Adults Kung Fu: Start back 2017 on Monday 23rd January 2017 Qi...